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Armslist Defeats Lawsuits Over Illegal Gun Sales (Without Section 230’s Help)–Webber v. Armslist

Eric Goldman

Section 230’s availability in such situations is uncertain, but on appeal, a TAFS[FN] judge displays the obvious-in-retrospect bias of preferring more guns in the hands of more people, no matter how many tragic outcomes might ensue. [FN: FN: TAFS = Trump-Appointed Federalist Society judge. In this case, the answer is no.

Lawsuit 98
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Danielle Keats Citron is Right, Protecting Intimate Privacy is a Freedom of Expression Issue

Berkley Technology Law Journal

In her new book, The Fight for Privacy , Danielle Keats Citron argues that failure to adequately protect digital privacy could have a chilling effect on the public’s ability to exercise their first amendment rights to free expression. Conference of Catholic Bishops. How did The Pillar obtain this sensitive information?