Senate FISA Hearing Spotlights International Compliance Concerns
Legal Tech Monitor
JUNE 13, 2023
"Due diligence can be different for different entities around the world," said Snell & Wilmer cybersecurity partner Aloke Chakravarty.
Legal Tech Monitor
JUNE 13, 2023
"Due diligence can be different for different entities around the world," said Snell & Wilmer cybersecurity partner Aloke Chakravarty.
FEBRUARY 22, 2024
Appellant submitted the Appellate Brief in his name and certified its compliance with [the court’s rules] as a self-represented person. At a hearing on the motions to dismiss, the judge started out by informing plaintiff’s counsel of the fictitious cases he’d found and asking how they’d been included in the filings.
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JULY 25, 2023
AI-powered applications can perform tasks such as contract analysis, due diligence, and legal research with remarkable speed and accuracy. Video conferencing, online document signing, and virtual court hearings have become commonplace. AI’s capabilities have expanded to natural language processing.
Ikigai Law
MAY 9, 2023
They also mandate online gaming intermediaries to comply with due diligence requirements and provide for a self-regulation framework for online gaming intermediaries offering online real money games. Regulations for local online game providers: The TN Act places strict compliance requirements on local online game providers. [15]
Legal Tech Monitor
FEBRUARY 22, 2024
Appellant submitted the Appellate Brief in his name and certified its compliance with [the court’s rules] as a self-represented person. “We At a hearing on the motions to dismiss, the judge started out by informing plaintiff’s counsel of the fictitious cases he’d found and asking how they’d been included in the filings.
Legal Tech Blog
NOVEMBER 17, 2022
Great news for business efficiency, but is it bad news for those charged with collecting data for litigation, investigations, and compliance? Gain an insight into tools used, approaches taken and how it is driving accuracy and efficiency.
Ikigai Law
FEBRUARY 9, 2023
It introduces due diligence obligations for online gaming companies – which are defined as a new and separate class of intermediaries. The need for a graded approach for compliances was also discussed. It also proposes to develop a self-regulatory mechanism for the sector.
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